Command Reference

Creating Repositories

A repository is a version controlled data store. It exists as a filesystem directory, which contains the versioned data, the current revision, a log of changes, etc. It is highly recommended that you do not manually edit the contents of the repository directory.

Create an empty repository

kart init [<repository>]

  • <repository> Path to the directory where the repository will be created. If not specified, defaults to the current directory.

Import vectors / tables into an existing repository

kart import <source> [<table>] [<table>]

This command imports one or more tables into the kart repository in the working directory. If no tables are provided at the command line, the command will prompt the user to select one from the source database. If tables should be imported with a different name, this is done by providing a table specification like so: <table_to_import>:<new_name_for_table>

kart import my-data-store.gpkg
kart import my-data-store.gpkg 2019_08_06_median_waterlevel
kart import my-data-store.gpkg 2019_08_06_median_waterlevel:waterlevel

Data can be imported from any of the following types of databases:

The following syntax examples show how to import from each type of database.

kart import PATH-TO-FILE.gpkg table_1 table_2 table_3
kart import postgresql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME/DBSCHEMA table_1 table_2 table_3
kart import mssql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME/DBSCHEMA table_1 table_2 table_3
kart import mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME/DBSCHEMA table_1 table_2 table_3
kart import PATH-TO-FILE.shp

You can also specify --all-tables to import all tables from a particular datasource.

Import vectors / tables while creating a repository

kart init [<repository>] --import <import_source>

This creates a new repository, then imports every table found within the specified import source. It is equivalent to running the following two commands:

  • kart init [<repository>]

  • kart [--repo=<repository>] import <import_source> --all-tables

Import point cloud tiles into an existing repository

  • kart import <tile> [<tile>] [<tile>]

  • kart import --dataset=<dataset_name> <tile> [<tile>] [<tile>]

This command imports one or more point-cloud tiles into the kart repository in the working directory. All tiles are imported into the same dataset (in contrast to importing vectors / tables, where multiple datasets can be imported simultaneously). To import more than one point cloud dataset, run the import command more than once.

  • <tile> path to a LAS or LAZ file. Note that multiple tiles can be specified at once using your shell’s wildcard operator, eg kart import <directory>/*.laz

  • <dataset_name> the name of the newly created dataset

You will be prompted as to whether you want to convert all tiles to COPC (Cloud Optimized Point Cloud) as they are imported, or keep them as they are (or you can specify this up front using --convert-to-copc or --preserve-format respectively).

Import raster tiles into an existing repository

  • kart import <tile> [<tile>] [<tile>]

  • kart import --dataset=<dataset_name> <tile> [<tile>] [<tile>]

This command imports one or more raster tiles into the kart repository in the working directory. All tiles are imported into the same dataset (in contrast to importing vectors / tables, where multiple datasets can be imported simultaneously). To import more than one raster dataset, run the import command more than once.

  • <tile> path to a GeoTIFF file. Note that multiple tiles can be specified at once using your shell’s wildcard operator, eg kart import <directory>/*.tif

  • <dataset_name> the name of the newly created dataset

You will be prompted as to whether you want to convert all tiles to COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF) as they are imported, or keep them as they are (or you can specify this up front using --convert-to-cog or --preserve-format respectively).

Cloning an existing repository

kart clone <repository> [<directory>]

Copies a repository into a newly created directory and automatically adds remotes to the source repository.

  • <repository> The remote repository to clone from.

  • <directory> The directory for the new repository. Defaults to the last path component of the cloned repository.

Managing Working Copies

A working copyis a snapshot of the data contained in the repository. The working copy of the data is the data you can view & edit in your GIS tool of choice. By default, Kart creates a GeoPackage working copy in your Kart repository as soon as there is some data in your repository.

Kart supports different types of working copy, but a Kart repository can only have one type of working copy at a time. The supported types are currently:

Creating different types of Working Copy

You can choose the type of tabular working copy you want during an init or clone operation, eg:

  • kart init --workingcopy=PATH.gpkg

  • kart init --workingcopy=postgresql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME/DBSCHEMA

  • kart init --workingcopy=mssql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME/DBSCHEMA

  • kart init --workingcopy=mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME

Or you can change working copy type in an existing repository using kart create-workingcopy:

  • kart create-workingcopy PATH.gpkg

… and so on.

Query the State of a Working Copy

kart status

Displays the current branch state and lists the number of uncommitted additions, modifications and deletions in the current working copy.


$ kart status
On branch master

Changes in working copy:
  (use "kart commit" to commit)
  (use "kart reset" to discard changes)

    modified:   4 features
    new:        8 features
    deleted:    11 features

Viewing Changes

kart diff [<commit_spec>] [<dataset>[:<pk>]]...

Shows the diff between two commits, or between one commit and the working copy.

  • <commit_spec>:

    • If not supplied, this defaults to HEAD, so that this command shows the diff between HEAD and the working copy.

    • If supplied with a single commit, ie <commit-A> then this command shows the diff between commit-A and the working copy.

    • If supplied with the form <commit-A>...<commit-B> then this command shows the diff between commit-A and commit-B.

    • If supplied with the form <commit-A>..<commit-B> then this command shows the diff between the common ancestor of commit-A and commit-B, and commit-B.

  • <dataset> or <dataset>:<pk> Only show changes in this dataset, or to this feature. This argument can be supplied multiple times to view multiple changes at once - if it is not supplied, all changes in the repository are shown.

Commit Changes to a Working Copy

kart commit [-m "<message>"] [<dataset>[:<pk>]]...

Commits any changes that have been made to the working copy that have not yet been committed.

  • -m <message> --message <message> The text message to associate with this commit.

  • <dataset> or <dataset>:<pk> Only commit changes from this dataset, or only commit changes of this feature. This argument can be supplied multiple times to commit multiple changes at once - if it is not supplied, all changes in the repository are committed.

Roll Back Changes to a Working Copy

kart reset HEAD

Resets any changes (additions, deletions, modifications) in the working copy to the state of the last commit (HEAD).

Branching and Merging

Create a Branch

kart checkout -b <branch>

Creates a new branch, and switches the current working copy to the the new branch.

  • -b <branch> Specifies the name of the new branch.

Delete a Branch

kart branch -d <branch>

Deletes the branch.

Merge a Branch

Merging two branches combines the changes from both branches to produce a new state and history.

kart merge <branch>

  • <branch> The branch to merge into the current branch.

Resolving Conflicts

Sometimes a merge cannot be performed automatically because changes in one branch conflict with changes in the other branch. These conflicts must instead be manually resolved. Tools to make this process easier are still in development.

$ kart merge my_work
Merging branch "my_work" into master
Conflicts found:

    my_layer:feature: 3 conflicts

Repository is now in "merging" state.
View conflicts with `kart conflicts` and resolve them with `kart resolve`.
Once no conflicts remain, complete this merge with `kart merge --continue`.
Or use `kart merge --abort` to return to the previous state.

When a merge cannot be applied cleanly, the repository is moved into a merging state. The merge must be completed by resolving all conflicts before any other work can be done in the repository - if now is not a good time to work on this, then the merge can be abandoned for the time being with kart merge --abort.

Useful commands during merging state:

kart status            # Shows whether the repository is in merging state
kart merge --abort     # Abandons the merge, returns to the previous state
kart conflicts         # Shows conflicts that must be resolved to complete the merge
kart resolve ...       # Resolves one conflict
kart merge --continue  # Completes the merge once no more conflicts remain

Viewing Conflicts

kart conflicts [<dataset>[:<pk>]]...

  • <dataset> or <dataset>:<pk> Only view conflicts involving this dataset, or only view conflicts involving this feature. This argument can be supplied multiple times to view multiple conflicts at once - if it is not supplied, all conflicts in the repository are shown.

Resolving a Conflict

kart resolve <conflict> --with=<resolution>

  • <conflict> The name of the the conflict to resolve - generally takes the form <layer>:feature:<feature_id>, but more complicated conflicts can have more complicated names. The names of all conflicts are available by running kart conflicts

  • --with=<resolution> The resolution here must be one of ancestor, ours, theirs, or delete, which resolve the conflict in the following manner:

    • ancestor resolve the conflict by accepting the ancestor version, essentially undoing both changes that conflict

    • ours resolve the conflict by accepting our version, keeping our change but discarding their change

    • theirs resolve the conflict by accepting their version, keeping their change but discarding our change

    • delete resolve the conflict by deleting the item which has conflicting changes

These resolutions are the only resolutions that can be selected by name. Other resolutions are also possible, but must be supplied in a file.

kart resolve <conflict> --with-file=<resolution.geojson>

  • <resolution.geojson> This must be a geojson file containing one or more features. The order of the features in the file is unimportant, as is any “id” field on the GEOJson feature object itself - all relevant information is read from the “geometry” and “properties” fields, including primary keys.

$ kart resolve my_layer:feature:15 --with-file=15_merged.geojson
Resolved 1 conflict. 0 conflicts to go.

$ kart merge --continue
Merging branch "my_work" into master
No conflicts!
Merge committed as 2a645ba3987625b723f0f4bc406e7da877bd30c2

Working with LFS files

Certain files - point cloud and raster tiles - are considered too large to store in the Git Object Database (ODB) that forms the backend of a Kart repository. These are stored instead using Git Large File Storage - the ODB need only contain “pointer files” that reference where the file can be found remotely in the LFS server, or locally in the LFS cache. For more information, see the section on Git LFS.

Generally, there is no need for the user to take any special action when dealing with LFS files - Kart commands that deal with remote storage, local storage and working copy checkout should make sure that each file ends up in the appropriate storage backend, and is found when required. However, the following commands are available.

List LFS files referenced by a commit

kart lfs+ ls-files [<commit>]

  • <commit> The OID of the commit to scan for references to LFS files. If omitted, defaults to HEAD.

You can also specify --all to list all LFS files referenced by any commit.

Fetch LFS files referenced by a commit

kart lfs+ fetch [<commit>] [<commit>]

  • <commit> The OID of the commit(s) to scan for references to LFS files, If omitted, defaults to HEAD.

The files are fetched from the LFS remote and written to the local LFS cache. Next time they are required, they will not need to be fetched, since they are now already present locally.

Clean up LFS files not currently being used

kart lfs+ gc

This deletes and LFS files from the LFS cache that are not currently checked out, and in doing so, frees up space on your filesystem. If they are needed again at a later date - for instance, if a commit which references them is checked out - they will be refetched from the LFS remote.