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Welcome to the Kart documentation. Kart provides distributed version-control for geospatial and tabular data.

Why Kart

  • Built on Git, works like Git - uses standard Git repositories and Git-like CLI commands. If you know Git, you’ll feel right at home with Kart.

  • Your choice of format - supports Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, MySQL and GeoPackage, with more coming soon.

  • Synchronize data - accurately synchronize datasets between systems in seconds. Kart moves and applies a minimal compressed set of changes.

  • Interact directly from within QGIS with the Kart Plugin.

  • And much more…

Project Status

Kart is actively developed and some APIs are subject to change.

Reporting Bugs & Feature Suggestions

Please report bugs and feature suggestions to the Kart issue tracker here. Please include any relevant system information (e.g.operating system) and Kart version (kart --version), and as much information about the issue as possible. Screenshots, debugging outputs and detailed explanations help us fix issues promptly.
